Wheelchair Down Under

Patrick and Anne Simpson first captured the interest and admiration of people everywhere with their extraordinary book Wheelchair Around the World, in which the couple shared the excitement and challenges they encountered while fulfilling their dream to travel around the globe despite Anne’s handicap. Their inspiring energy and determination will touch readers again in this sequel, Wheelchair Down Under, which chronicles their amazing journey across New Zealand and Australia.

get close and personal with a few cuddly koalas. Throughout their tales, the Simpsons constantly provide tips and insight into the dos and don’ts of traveling as a physically challenged individual. In sharing their experiences, the Simpsons not only guide us across the Australian and New Zealand countryside, they also motivate us to work out our own dreams.



From beautiful New Zealand to the rustic expansiveness of Australia’s Outback, the Land Down Under comes alive for armchair and wheelchair travelers alike in the Simpsons’

second book. Join the couple as they meet the Wizard of Christchurch, spend a day in the life of an Aborigine tribe, travel to the underground town of Coober Pedy, and 

“No Limits… Wheelchair Down Under proves disabled travelers are restless and ready to roll.” 

  — Kay Miller, Spectator Magazine, Raleigh, NC, August 4, 1999

“Their experiences are often humorous, sometimes painful, and always spiritual as they rely on each other to get through these daily adventures.”

  — Paraplegia News, August 1999