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THE VILLAGE TIMES<\/h1>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t

Independence Village of Olde Raleigh\nResident Newsletter<\/h2>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t

Coming to the Dining Room\n2:00pm Wednesday February 8th\nIndependence Village of Olde Raleigh Presents:\nThe Valentine Locket\n<\/h1>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t

You don\u2019t want to miss this!\u00a0<\/h2>


Wanna act? Play music? Or just help out? \u2013 contact Activity Director Taylor Clodfelter<\/p>

Meet Miles & Judy Muhlada<\/b><\/p>

by Pat Simpson\u00a0<\/span><\/p>


VocalMotion, an adult show choir, is an all-volunteer performance group sponsored by SAS Institute in Cary, NC. Its members include SAS employees, spouses, and friends with a love for music and a dedication to bringing quality entertainment to the Triangle.<\/span><\/p>

The choir has entertained thousands of patrons at retirement centers, community centers, charity events, and at company-sponsored functions. 100% of the donations they collect are given to designated charities throughout the area. VocalMotion has entertained the folks here at Independence Village more than once.<\/span><\/p>

Mike Muhlada, a son of residents Miles and Judy Muhlada, is an active member of VocalMotion, Mike got his love of music from his parents.<\/span><\/p>

Meet Miles and Judy Muhlada, residents here at Independence Village since September 8 of last year (2022) after a long and circuitous route for both of them. Each was born in 1939 but that\u2019s <\/span>where the similarity ends.<\/span><\/p>

\u201cOur son, Mike,\u201d said <\/span>Miles, \u201clives here in Raleigh and so, after retirement in Indianapolis for 30+ years, we moved first here with him, then in a single level apartment in Cary.\u201d\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

The journey for Miles began where he was born \u2013 on the western end of New York State\u2019s Long Island in the town of Mineola (Algonquin for “pleasant village”). But his family soon moved Midwest, to the place where he grew up: <\/span>Hamtramck, Michigan<\/span> (pop. \u00b129,000<\/span>), a town nearly surrounded by the city of Detroit. <\/span>Miles says his mother was Polish and his dad was second generation Slavic (Polish\/German), although he had heard the term \u201cWhite Russian\u201d used in his youth. (It was a term applied to Belarus, an <\/span>Eastern European country formerly known as Byelorussia or White Russia.)<\/span><\/p>

Miles grew up with two brothers and two sisters \u2013 twins Lita and Lisa, still living in Michigan.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

\u201cMy favorite thing to do as a child,\u201d says Miles, \u201cwas to fish near Detroit as well as all summer long in New York\u2019s Long Island Sound with my brother. We also played a lot of pick-up basketball.<\/span><\/p>

\u201cI joined the US Navy at age 17, and was a draftsman with assignments in Chicago and Saipan. I was discharged four years later as a staff sergeant. After that I went to University of Detroit\u2019s Jesuit college for four years. Meanwhile, let me say that Judy and I like to sing and always have. I got a chance to practice my passion in the University of Detroit Chorus. \u201cThe chorus was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and performed in various cities in the area.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

\u201cAnd that\u2019s how I met Judy Richart, later to become my wife. Judy and I sang with the chorus \u2013 and we traveled with it. Ultimately, we got married \u2013 because of it.\u201d<\/span><\/p>


Judy chimed in. \u201cEven though my dad was born in Chicago and my mom in Kansas City, I was born in West Palm Beach Florida. But,\u201d she <\/span>added, \u201cLike Miles, I also grew up in Detroit! The 1940s were boom years of development in the automobile industry and there were jobs, jobs, jobs available as factories re-tooled to build war machines and later to satisfy the public\u2019s pent-up demand for new automobiles. Detroit became known as Motor City.<\/span><\/p>

\u201cI<\/span> was the baby of my family,\u201d she said. \u201cAmong my favorite toys as a child was<\/span> my large <\/span>Judy Splinters doll and a huge dollhouse to go with it.<\/span><\/p>

\u00a0\u201cWhen we moved to Detroit in 1945, Dad said \u2018No!\u2019 to public schools, so I attended Detroit\u2019s St. Augustine Catholic School.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

\u201cMy favorite teacher in Florida had been my preschool teacher, Ms Drinkwater. But count my all-time favorite teacher as Sister Ernestine \u2013 she loved all of us.<\/span><\/p>

\u201cEventually, I got a degree in elementary education, right around the time Miles got his degree in accounting. In 1964 Miles and I got married \u2013 just before he joined the Air Force. Jobs were hard to find then and he had heard it was a \u2018family man’s outfit\u2019.\u201d At one time, Judy\u2019s Dad had worked for an automobile company, first in the factory, later in sales. Judy, herself, worked in downtown Detroit with her mom.<\/span><\/p>

\u00a0So, off they went, continuing their life\u2019s journey together, now as man and wife. They spent three years in Spain, two years in Guam, four years in Massachusetts, and even time in downtown Cleveland. Miles, as a Major, also served in the Blytheville (Arkansas) Air Force Base (since renamed Eaker Air Force Base), a major airfield that was part of the Strategic Air Command.<\/span><\/p>

\u201cToday we have three boys,\u201d said Judy, \u201call in their fifties: Michael, Andrew, and Matthew. <\/span>My oldest brother Bill had nine children, my sister Joan had six children, and brother Tom had five children! <\/span>It\u2019s not hard to guess <\/span>that we have big family get-togethers at times!\u201d\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

Miles added: \u201cOur son Michael, was recently hired by SAS even though he was 51. That says a lot about SAS.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

\u201cAs for me, I like to play Bridge as much as I can: online, by email, and face-to face, especially duplicate Bridge, like I play here at Independence Village.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>

\u201cIt\u2019s a good place to be.\u201d<\/span><\/p>

Quack, wack, wack, quack, wack! \u2013 by Frank Howes<\/strong><\/p>

Have you ever been swimming in a cold December-pond in a three-piece suit? I have. The occasion was when my bird-crazy ball-of-energy Brittany Spaniel, Micki, got out of her pen one evening just before Christmas. My pregnant wife had stumbled at the gate to the dog pen and accidently let Micki out.<\/p>

Micki, good bird dog that she was, had immediately jumped the fence between my neighbor’s yard and mine and proceeded to hunt the neighbor’s ducks that were swimming about their pond. When I got home in the dark it was to the sound of, “Micki, come here Micki. Come here girl.”<\/p>

At the time I was managing a jewelry store in Crabtree Valley Mall. When I arrived, my neighbor, gun in hand, was yelling, “I’m gonna kill that dog! Tm gonna kill that dog!”<\/p>

I immediately went into action. I started chasing Micki around the pond. Micki, of course, would have none of that, so she jumped into the pond and continued to chase the ducks. I had no choice but to<\/p>


wade in after her. She ignored me and swam to the other end of the pond, still chasing the ducks. I waded deeper, took a deep breath because of the freezing water, and went in up to my shoulders.<\/p>

Micki thought I was trying to help her hunt. She thought I was trying to hem the ducks up in a comer of the pond so that she could run along the shore and catch one.<\/p>

So there I am, swimming in the pond with a rifle pointed in my general direction, yelling for Micki. “Micki, come here you *#@*&.”<\/p>

The cacophony continued, “Quack, wack, wack, wack, wack!”<\/p>

“Come here Micki!”<\/p>

“I’m gonna kill that dog! I’m gonna kill that dog!”<\/p>

My wife laughed so hard she had liquid flowing from her eyes and from other parts of her anatomy.<\/p>

I finally caught Micki and returned her to her pen, but not before tripping and going over my head in the cold water. Micki had a great time that night, and it is definitely one of the most vivid memories of my life, but it is not one I\u2019d ever want to repeat.<\/p>


Letter Writing \u2013 by Richard Smalto<\/strong><\/p>

When I was a young man, I swam Olympic pool laps at the YMCA after work for exercise. The lifeguard was a vivacious young woman. She especially enjoyed talking to a particular man who was in age almost an octogenarian. She even had dinner with him once in a while. I knew Gerry, the older man, and marveled at his stamina and the interest he took in her and the time they spent talking together. That was a time when we were still getting used to the idea that you could be vigorous and robust as you aged late into life. Gerry and the life guard became very good friends though there after-hour friendship was confined to dining out together. Of course, I eventually got to know them both pretty well but their conversations at pool side were mainly with each other. Then the young woman left New Hampshire and moved to Massachusetts. She wrote a long letter to her fiend Gerry, after she departed, talking about what she was doing and discussing different people they both were acquainted with when she was a lifeguard. When he read the letter to me, I suddenly understood why people use to be avid letter writers. As he was reading the letter this young woman suddenly emerged again exactly as the way she was when I knew her. It was as if she was standing in front of us talking about old times.<\/p>

I wrote and received letters when I was a teenager and even as a young adult. I never had a similar reaction before. I suppose it could be a shared experience between good letter-writers. Oddly enough one of the first things that entered my mind afterward was the significance and beneficially historians attributed to the letter writing between John Adams, our third president, and his wife Abigale. It was also through voluminous warmly written correspondence that Jefferson and Adams repaired a fractured friendship. In those times there was no other way that I know of communicating with each other when people were separated by distance. It is worth noting this was probably why it was so important for servicemen and their loved ones to receive letters from each other during war and other times of duress. If you had an image of them in front of you as you read their letter it had to be a beneficial experience.<\/p>

After I wrote this article, I thought about it some more. Does the person who is reading the letter and concentrating on the words written have the same experience as the person who is having the letter read to him? Despite this reservation I now have a greater appreciation for the value of as well as the beneficial effects of letter writing.<\/p>

Things to Remember About our Furry Friends \u2013 by Margie Lewin<\/em><\/strong><\/p>

  • You should know how to address puppy socialization, teach life skills and use positive reinforcement.<\/li>
  • When encountering a therapy dog the owner should say, \u201cI know she’s a very sweet-looking dog and you want to pet her. However, she does have a job and needs to remain focused.\u201d<\/li>
  • Based on genetic evidence the researchers found that a dog’s breed does not predict its behavior.<\/li>
  • A kitten is in the animal world is what a rosebud is in the garden.<\/li>
  • Siamese cats were considered so important in the Far East that they were reserved for royals, while other breeds were revered as temple guardians.<\/li>
  • Today’s purebred cats can cost thousands of dollars, though the same animals can often be found in shelters.<\/li><\/ul>



    Evee\u2019s Story \u2013 Phyllis Woolery<\/strong><\/p>

    Happy Day peoples! Yesterday was a long terrible day for me. Mom went downstairs about\u00a010:45 AM\u00a0and didn\u2019t come home\u00a0until 7: 00 PM. I was very mad at her and told her so. I kept following her around the apartment meowing the entire time. She said \u201cHello pretty girl!\u201d I was not having it!<\/p>

    \u201cMeooow\u201d I screamed! \u201cWhere have you been?\u201d<\/p>

    Mom said, \u201cDo you need some food in your bowl, baby?\u201d Mom sounded so sweet.<\/p>

    \u201cCan\u2019t you see the bottom of the bowl? I could have starved to death as far as you care!\u201d I meowed.<\/p>

    Mom tried to pet me and I swatted her hand away. She fixed my food and sat down in her chair. She looked tired, and I wanted to snuggle against her and purr really loud so she would know how much I love her. But I had to tell her she is grounded. She can go downstairs for lunch and supper, but she cannot stay and play with her friends. Mom is supposed to take her nap with me every day! She didn\u2019t bother to tell me she was going to play downstairs all day. It\u2019s my job to make sure she gets her rest, but I can\u2019t do my job if she doesn\u2019t come home. So she is grounded today!<\/p>

    If I don\u2019t do my job, my uncles might find another cat to take care of her. Or, Heaven forbid \u2013 a dog! I may have to call one of my uncles to have them talk to her. I have heard about juvenile delinquent senior citizens. Maybe she is just going through a phase. If you see mom doing anything she shouldn\u2019t do, please let me know. Also I wanted to tell you about Mom\u2019s friend getting a yellow cat. She named him \u201cJames\u201d! I think that\u2019s the coolest name I have ever heard for a cat! My sister\u2019s adopted daddy is named \u201cJames\u201d.<\/p>

    I don\u2019t have a dad. Mom is a single mom. She\u2019s not even looking for a daddy for me. But that\u2019s ok. He would have to be shorter than five feet tall so he could sleep on our couch. I am not giving him my side of the bed! Well, I have to keep a close eye on mom today. I love you peoples! Toodles!\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc08<\/p>

    Aegis Therapies<\/p>


    \u201cWe Treat People Not Patients\u201d<\/em><\/h1>\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t

    Recently, Pete and Nancy (fictitious names, for privacy reasons), both married residents of Independence Village, required remedial treatment: he for a torn muscle; she to build strength and endurance against ongoing health issues. They found such help through the services of Aegis Therapies \u2013 and they didn\u2019t even have to leave the building!<\/p>

    Located just off the 2nd <\/sup>floor front elevator entrance, Aegis Therapies has an office that also serves as \u201cgymnasium\u201d in which you can find rowing equipment, strength & exercise equipment, and an elliptical machine just to name a few.<\/p>

    With any luck you\u2019ll also find the very personable and charming Sarah Bauman (she may be assisting a client elsewhere), who is not only a Physical Therapist, she is Aegis\u2019s Therapy Coordinator for this location. (Right across the hall you\u2019ll find Taylor Clodfelter, our new Aegis EnerG<\/strong> Lifestyle and Health Coordinator.)<\/p>

    It turns out that Sarah is a North Carolina state-licensed Physical Therapist who not only received her Master’s degree in Physical Therapy from Western Carolina University, she had already earned a Master’s degree in Human Factors Engineering from Florida Tech, where she became experienced in ergonomics and injury prevention. In addition to her extensive experience and broad certifications, Sarah has a strong interest in Adult\/Senior Functional Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Health and Wellness.<\/p>

    \u201cEvery resident here,\u201d explained Sarah to our married couple, \u201cas well as the staff, have access to Aegis\u2019s industry-leading physical, occupational and speech therapy services. We also have specialized programs that target fall prevention, continence management, memory care and much more. We therapists specialize in creating customized wellness and therapy programs so we can help everyone get back to their personal best. Our outpatient therapy programs can help speed up your healing not only from an injury, but from surgery, illness or deconditioning. We can also help to decrease muscle and joint pain; improve functionality; and come up with a home exercise program to maximize your recovery.\u201d<\/p>

    She continued: \u201cThe Aegis Therapies team continues to grow here: We recently added two new Occupational Therapists (OTs): Tim Daugherty and Kevin Houston, who is an occupational therapist assistant (COTA). We also have a very good Speech Therapist. Her name is Lynn Blackley.\u201d<\/p>

    Here\u2019s a list of what we do:<\/p>